KABC Adopt-a-Spot

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KABWA Adopt-a-Spot Program

Do you feel frustrated by seeing litter lying around your street, park or local beach? Then why not adopt that spot and volunteer to help keep your spot litter-free.

The City has proudly partnered with Keep Australia Beautiful WA (KABWA) to support the Adopt-a-Spot litter program.

What is it?

Adopt-a-Spot is an anti-litter program that engages volunteers (individuals, community groups, business groups) to undertake coordinated litter clean-ups of designated sites in their communities. Sites include but are not limited to: roadsides, streets, parks, waterways, bush trails, beaches and wetlands.

Participants are provided with tools and support and receive an adoption certificate to acknowledge their commitment.

How to get involved and Adopt-a-Spot:

  1. Choose your favourite site to do regular clean ups and drop a pin on your chosen location using our map tool below.
  2. Decide on an approximate date for your first clean up and if appropriate, invite your friends, family and neighbours to join you.
  3. Go to KABWA registration page, register your name/group and complete the details of your site.
  4. Wait to receive KABWA registration email and your clean up kit by post/collect from council office (please give prior notice for office collections).
  5. Check back after your clean up via KABWA online clean up report and tell us what you picked up.
  6. Share your story to encourage others to get involved using our story tool below (optional).

If you want to know more, please email the Program Coordinator or submit a question through this Love My Kwinana page (question tool below).

Hotspots as focus areas

The City of Kwinana strives to keep our community beautiful.

To enhance and protect our environment the City created a Litter and Illegal Dumping Plan in 2023 outlining goals, as well as actions planned to achieve our goals. The Litter and Illegal Dumping Plan 2023 lists identified litter hot spots on page 36, which need some focus and extra TLC.

If you have any ideas or suggestions about how council can improve efforts to reduce litter or illegal dumping, please submit them using our ideas tool below. We would love to hear from you.

Together, we can strive to have our whole City adopted!

KABWA Adopt-a-Spot Program

Do you feel frustrated by seeing litter lying around your street, park or local beach? Then why not adopt that spot and volunteer to help keep your spot litter-free.

The City has proudly partnered with Keep Australia Beautiful WA (KABWA) to support the Adopt-a-Spot litter program.

What is it?

Adopt-a-Spot is an anti-litter program that engages volunteers (individuals, community groups, business groups) to undertake coordinated litter clean-ups of designated sites in their communities. Sites include but are not limited to: roadsides, streets, parks, waterways, bush trails, beaches and wetlands.

Participants are provided with tools and support and receive an adoption certificate to acknowledge their commitment.

How to get involved and Adopt-a-Spot:

  1. Choose your favourite site to do regular clean ups and drop a pin on your chosen location using our map tool below.
  2. Decide on an approximate date for your first clean up and if appropriate, invite your friends, family and neighbours to join you.
  3. Go to KABWA registration page, register your name/group and complete the details of your site.
  4. Wait to receive KABWA registration email and your clean up kit by post/collect from council office (please give prior notice for office collections).
  5. Check back after your clean up via KABWA online clean up report and tell us what you picked up.
  6. Share your story to encourage others to get involved using our story tool below (optional).

If you want to know more, please email the Program Coordinator or submit a question through this Love My Kwinana page (question tool below).

Hotspots as focus areas

The City of Kwinana strives to keep our community beautiful.

To enhance and protect our environment the City created a Litter and Illegal Dumping Plan in 2023 outlining goals, as well as actions planned to achieve our goals. The Litter and Illegal Dumping Plan 2023 lists identified litter hot spots on page 36, which need some focus and extra TLC.

If you have any ideas or suggestions about how council can improve efforts to reduce litter or illegal dumping, please submit them using our ideas tool below. We would love to hear from you.

Together, we can strive to have our whole City adopted!


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Page last updated: 16 Oct 2024, 12:46 PM