What are the objectives the proposed Local Law?

    •  To provide for the elimination or reduction of threats to the environment and public health, safety and amenity through –

    (a) the regulation of the keeping of animals (other than dogs and cats) in terms of types, number, how and where they can be kept;

    (b) prescribing minimum standards for keeping of all animals.

    (c) prescribing requirements for owners and occupiers of land to manage activities to prevent creating a nuisance including vermin control, refuse control, dust prevention, light, smoke and odour emissions; and

    • To repeal redundant provisions of existing City of Kwinana local laws.

    Which Local Laws will be repealed?

    The Local Law seeks to repeal:

    Existing provisions relating to graffiti, truck and vehicle nuisance, private works (on, over or under public places), and disposal of disused refrigerators under the existing Urban Environment and Nuisance Local Law 2003 will be removed as these matters are generally regulated through other existing policies or local laws.

    Which existing Local Laws will remain?

    Provisions in the City’s Health By-Laws 1964 relating to sanitation, housing standards and lodging houses will be required to remain in place pending anticipated amendments to the Public Health Act 2016 by State Government.

    The Local Law will emulate requirements within existing local laws in relation to the following matters:

    • Amusement nuisance
    • Light emission or reflection nuisance and use of exterior lighting onto adjoining properties
    • Removal of refuse, disused materials, and unsightly overgrowth of vegetation
    • Storage of vehicles and machinery
    • Containment of stormwater, rainwater, swimming pool water and wastewater
    • Hazardous plants and trees
    • Measures to prevent or minimise danger or hazard to the public or property from cyclonic activities (or severe weather conditions)
    • Containment of dust and liquid waste

    What are the proposed changes?

    Please refer to Council Report.

    How does this affect me as I am currently registered animal keeper?

    Every registration or approval granted by the local government relating to the keeping of

    poultry, pigeons, pigs, equine and bees under the former provisions has effect as if granted

    under this local law.

    Where a permit is required under the provisions in this local law, the registration or approval

    may be renewed or transferred on application made under this local law, subject to

    conditions or restrictions.

    There are new standards for cleaning and maintenance associated with keeping of animals.

    Does this new Local Law mean residents can be fined?

    The City’s emphasis is on educating the community. City officers will aim to give verbal or

    written advice about better practices rather than fines. Fines will generally only be given

    when repeated direction is not acted upon, or when the activities create an unacceptable

    level of risk or threats to the environment, public health, safety and amenity. Fines are

    graduated and proportionate to the type of offence.

    When will enforcement of the Animal, Environment and Nuisance Local Law start?

    The City’s emphasis will be on education and the responsibilities of residents in the first six

    months. Fines will generally only be issued when repeated direction is not acted upon, or

    when the activities create an unacceptable level of risk or threats to the environment, public

    health, safety and amenity.

    What are the next steps?

    The City will collate responses and consider all submissions. Council will be further

    consulted. Once the submissions are considered, the final laws drafted and approvals

    sought, the laws will again be presented to Council for final consideration and adoption.

    They are then gazetted and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Delegated

    Legislation for final review.

    How can I have my say on the proposed Local Law?

    The City of Kwinana welcomes your comments and invites written submissions. You can send your submission via one of the following methods:

    1) Online at: Love My Kwinana;

    2) By email to: City.Legal@kwinana.wa.gov.au;

    3) In writing delivered by hand to City of Kwinana Administration at Corner of Gilmore Ave and Sulphur Rd Kwinana Town Centre (Mon-Fri 8.30am to 4.30pm); or

    4) In writing by post to City of Kwinana, PO BOX 21 KWINANA WA 6966.

    Only written submission via one of the abovementioned methods will be considered. However, if you want to further clarification, you can also contact the Environmental Health Team on 9439 0475.