- Long Term Financial Plan
- Workforce Plan
- Infrastructure Strategy
- Operational Strategies and Action Plans
What is a Council Plan?
A Council Plan (previously known as the Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan) is the City’s guiding strategic document and represents our community’s long-term vision, values, aspirations and priorities and what we will do to achieve them. This document drives the City’s budgeting, planning, resource allocations and service delivery, in order to focus our efforts and align our activities to achieve our community’s vision.
Why do we have to review it?
Integrated planning and reporting provides local governments with a framework for translating community priorities and aspirations into operational objectives, and tracking progress in delivering on these objectives. The City of Kwinana uses the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework outlined in by the Local Government Act 1995 and the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996. These detail that a local government must have a “Plan for the Future”.
What other chances will I have to share my thoughts and ideas for the Community Plan?
As part of the review we want to hear from you about how we’re doing, where we can improve and what the City's priorities should be in the future. The community engagement for the Community Plan will be carried out in phases. The first phase will seek to gain your thoughts and ideas for the future of Kwinana forming its vision.
The second phase of community engagement will be the opportunity to participate in the Community Scorecard and Wellbeing Scorecard, the focus of these about you and your rating of services and facilities in your local area as well as telling us about your needs so we can ensure understand and meet community wellbeing priorities.
We want our community to be actively involved in our decision-making processes so there will also be also be an opportunity to share your view on our community consultation document, which will highlight key priorities and options facing the City over the next 10 years. This provides the Kwinana community the chance to have your say on what will be proposed to be included within the Council Plan, the Plan that will shape the future of Kwinana.
What is the timeline for the development of the Council Plan?
To ensure that the community’s changing aspirations are reflected, a minor review of the plan is undertaken every two years, and a major review every four years. We are currently commencing our major review, which is expected to be adopted in June 2025.
Additional information regarding our major review timeline and different stages can be found in the project's lifecycle.
What other components make up the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework?
The Integrated Planning and Reporting (IPR) Framework aims to ensure integration of community priorities with strategic planning for Council, as well as implementation of the objectives that have been set from these priorities.
There are several other plans which support the achievement of the Council Plan, they aim to adequately resource activities that will achieve the vision for the future. They are:
The diagram below shows how all of the elements of the framework fit together to deliver council priorities which are informed by the community vision and aspirations. The IPR provides a framework for establishing local priorities that are linked to operational functions.