DA10897 - Extractive Industry - Lot 9000 (129) Orton Road, Casuarina

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The City of Kwinana has received a Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) application for an Extractive Industry (sand extraction) at the above address. The proposal involves sand extraction for use in surrounding land development projects.

Key details of the application include:

  • Licensed extraction area of 5.83ha. Extraction to occur in 3 stages, with less than 2ha open to extraction at any given time.
  • Sand extraction yield of approximately 197,727m3 (316,363 tonnes) over a 4-year period, followed by one-year of site rehabilitation.
  • A maximum of 15 trucks (19m) expected on site per hour. The haulage route includes Orton Road, Bombay Boulevard, Thomas Road and Kwinana Freeway.
  • Potential for onsite screening of excavated material based on market demand.
  • Proposed clearing of approximately 0.58 hectares of vegetation on the site.
  • A Conservation Category Wetland (CCW) exists on the site. The excavation area will occur outside of the wetland to a maximum depth of 0.6m above the maximum ground water level monitored onsite.
  • Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 7am-6pm and Saturday 7am-12pm. No works are to occur on Sundays or Public Holidays.

If you have any comments/objections relating to the proposal, please complete the Online Submission Form below before 5pm on Tuesday 11 June 2024.

Please note: If your submission is extensive, contains images, or spans many pages, kindly utilise the upload feature provided in the submission form.

Written submissions, including the affected property address, are not considered confidential and may be referred to the applicant to assist negotiations relating to the proposal. Personal contact details such as names, email addresses and telephone numbers, however, will not be provided to the applicant. Written submissions may also be the subject of Freedom of Information requests and included as attachments to any public planning report relating to the application.

Please note: The project is now closed, and the submissions are being reviewed.

The City of Kwinana has received a Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) application for an Extractive Industry (sand extraction) at the above address. The proposal involves sand extraction for use in surrounding land development projects.

Key details of the application include:

  • Licensed extraction area of 5.83ha. Extraction to occur in 3 stages, with less than 2ha open to extraction at any given time.
  • Sand extraction yield of approximately 197,727m3 (316,363 tonnes) over a 4-year period, followed by one-year of site rehabilitation.
  • A maximum of 15 trucks (19m) expected on site per hour. The haulage route includes Orton Road, Bombay Boulevard, Thomas Road and Kwinana Freeway.
  • Potential for onsite screening of excavated material based on market demand.
  • Proposed clearing of approximately 0.58 hectares of vegetation on the site.
  • A Conservation Category Wetland (CCW) exists on the site. The excavation area will occur outside of the wetland to a maximum depth of 0.6m above the maximum ground water level monitored onsite.
  • Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 7am-6pm and Saturday 7am-12pm. No works are to occur on Sundays or Public Holidays.

If you have any comments/objections relating to the proposal, please complete the Online Submission Form below before 5pm on Tuesday 11 June 2024.

Please note: If your submission is extensive, contains images, or spans many pages, kindly utilise the upload feature provided in the submission form.

Written submissions, including the affected property address, are not considered confidential and may be referred to the applicant to assist negotiations relating to the proposal. Personal contact details such as names, email addresses and telephone numbers, however, will not be provided to the applicant. Written submissions may also be the subject of Freedom of Information requests and included as attachments to any public planning report relating to the application.

Please note: The project is now closed, and the submissions are being reviewed.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    You are invited to comment on this proposed development using this submission form

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Page last updated: 12 Jun 2024, 11:53 AM