DA11056 - DA11056 - Extractive Industry (sand mining) - Lots 6 & 20 Postans Road and Lots 808, 810 & 804 Sayer Road, HOPE VALLEY

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Consultation has concluded

The City of Kwinana is inviting your comments on a Development Application for a proposed Extractive Industry at the above address.

The application proposes bulk earthworks and extraction of material from five lots owned by Development WA, over an area of approximately 11.80ha.

The proposed involves the following works:

  • Clearing and mulching of existing vegetation onsite.
  • Stripping and stockpiling of topsoil.
  • Bulk earthworks including excavation, transport and stockpiling of extracted material.
  • Construction of interface treatments to protect vehicle movements and existing residences.
  • Construction of site access points from existing roads.
  • Construction of internal access tracks.
  • Erection of temporary dust and wind fencing.

Further information relating to this application, including development plans, can be found under 'Documents' in the right sidebar on this site.

Any queries relating to this application can be made by contacting the Statutory Planning team by phone on (08) 9439 0200.

How can I make a comment about the proposed Development Application?

If you have any comments/objections relating to the proposal, please complete the Online Submission Form below by Thursday 28 November 2024.

Please note: If your submission is extensive, contains images, or spans many pages, kindly utilise the upload feature provided in the submission form.

Written submissions, including the affected property address, are not considered confidential and may be referred to the applicant to assist negotiations relating to the proposal. Personal contact details such as names, email addresses and telephone numbers, however, will not be provided to the applicant. Written submissions may also be the subject of Freedom of Information requests and included as attachments to any public planning report relating to the application.

The City of Kwinana is inviting your comments on a Development Application for a proposed Extractive Industry at the above address.

The application proposes bulk earthworks and extraction of material from five lots owned by Development WA, over an area of approximately 11.80ha.

The proposed involves the following works:

  • Clearing and mulching of existing vegetation onsite.
  • Stripping and stockpiling of topsoil.
  • Bulk earthworks including excavation, transport and stockpiling of extracted material.
  • Construction of interface treatments to protect vehicle movements and existing residences.
  • Construction of site access points from existing roads.
  • Construction of internal access tracks.
  • Erection of temporary dust and wind fencing.

Further information relating to this application, including development plans, can be found under 'Documents' in the right sidebar on this site.

Any queries relating to this application can be made by contacting the Statutory Planning team by phone on (08) 9439 0200.

How can I make a comment about the proposed Development Application?

If you have any comments/objections relating to the proposal, please complete the Online Submission Form below by Thursday 28 November 2024.

Please note: If your submission is extensive, contains images, or spans many pages, kindly utilise the upload feature provided in the submission form.

Written submissions, including the affected property address, are not considered confidential and may be referred to the applicant to assist negotiations relating to the proposal. Personal contact details such as names, email addresses and telephone numbers, however, will not be provided to the applicant. Written submissions may also be the subject of Freedom of Information requests and included as attachments to any public planning report relating to the application.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    You are invited to comment on this proposed development using this submission form

    Consultation has concluded
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