DA11083 - Proposed New Three Storey Building, Outdoor Terraced Seating Area and Alterations to Existing Two Storey Building at the Peter Carnley School on Lot 295 (386-430) Wellard Road WELLARD

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Consultation has concluded

The City of Kwinana is inviting your comments on a Development Application for a Proposed new three storey building, outdoor terraced seating area and alterations to existing two storey building at the Peter Carnley School on Lot 295 (386-430) Wellard Road WELLARD

The Proposal

The key details of the application are as follows:

  • Construction of a three storey art and technology centre which includes new art teaching and learning areas on the ground floor level, new food and textiles teaching and learning areas on the second-floor level and a number of General Learning Areas (GLAs) on the third level.
  • Construction of a new outdoor terraced seating area.
  • Alterations to existing school building.
  • Additional 286 student places and 10 additional staff.
  • Relocation of school’s private bus services from Abingdon Crescent to within the subject site.
  • Provision of additional 11 parking spaces within the existing circular staff parking area.
  • Landscape Concept Plan, Traffic Impact Assessment, Acoustic Report, Bushfire Management Plan, Stormwater Concept Plan and Waste Management Plan submitted as part of the application.

SUBMISSION PERIOD: 06 November 2024

Further information relating to this application, including development plans, can be found in the right sidebar on this site.

How can I make a comment about the proposed Development Application?

Stakeholders are invited to submit feedback online by completing the submission form below.

Any queries relating to this application can be made by phone on (08) 9439 0200, or email Planning.Team@Kwinana.wa.gov.au

Please note that written submissions are not considered confidential and may be referred to the applicant to assist negotiations relating to the proposal. Personal details such as names, telephone numbers and addresses, however, will not be given to the applicant. They may also be the subject of Freedom of Information requests and included as attachments to relevant reports.

If you have any comments/objections relating to the proposal please complete the Online Submission Form below before close of business 5 pm, 06 November 2024.

The City of Kwinana is inviting your comments on a Development Application for a Proposed new three storey building, outdoor terraced seating area and alterations to existing two storey building at the Peter Carnley School on Lot 295 (386-430) Wellard Road WELLARD

The Proposal

The key details of the application are as follows:

  • Construction of a three storey art and technology centre which includes new art teaching and learning areas on the ground floor level, new food and textiles teaching and learning areas on the second-floor level and a number of General Learning Areas (GLAs) on the third level.
  • Construction of a new outdoor terraced seating area.
  • Alterations to existing school building.
  • Additional 286 student places and 10 additional staff.
  • Relocation of school’s private bus services from Abingdon Crescent to within the subject site.
  • Provision of additional 11 parking spaces within the existing circular staff parking area.
  • Landscape Concept Plan, Traffic Impact Assessment, Acoustic Report, Bushfire Management Plan, Stormwater Concept Plan and Waste Management Plan submitted as part of the application.

SUBMISSION PERIOD: 06 November 2024

Further information relating to this application, including development plans, can be found in the right sidebar on this site.

How can I make a comment about the proposed Development Application?

Stakeholders are invited to submit feedback online by completing the submission form below.

Any queries relating to this application can be made by phone on (08) 9439 0200, or email Planning.Team@Kwinana.wa.gov.au

Please note that written submissions are not considered confidential and may be referred to the applicant to assist negotiations relating to the proposal. Personal details such as names, telephone numbers and addresses, however, will not be given to the applicant. They may also be the subject of Freedom of Information requests and included as attachments to relevant reports.

If you have any comments/objections relating to the proposal please complete the Online Submission Form below before close of business 5 pm, 06 November 2024.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    You are invited to comment on this proposed development using this submission form

    Consultation has concluded
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