Local Heritage Planning

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Consultation has concluded


Consultation has now closed for the draft Local Heritage Survey and draft Heritage List. We have reviewed all the submissions and reported back to Council at the Council meeting on 9th February, where the Local Heritage Survey and Heritage List were adopted.

Want to know more about the history of Kwinana?

A draft Local Heritage Survey, previously known as a Municipal Heritage Inventory, has been prepared to identify places with cultural heritage value in the City of Kwinana and provides base information for the City to make decisions regarding development of these places.

The City has also prepared a draft Heritage List which includes the most significant places from the Local Heritage Survey.

What does it mean for my property?

Inclusion of a place in the Local Heritage Survey is simply recognition of a place’s heritage importance and it does not provide a place with any heritage protection, unless it is also included in the City’s Heritage List or has been entered in the State Register of Heritage Places.

The City’s Heritage List is a list of places adopted under Local Planning Scheme No. 2, for which development approval will be required for any demolition, alterations or other development affecting the place.

Any questions?

If you have any queries about the Local Heritage Survey or Heritage List please ask us a question below or contact Senior Strategic Planner, Kirsty Edwards on planning@kwinana.wa.gov.au (External link) or 9439 0409.


Consultation has now closed for the draft Local Heritage Survey and draft Heritage List. We have reviewed all the submissions and reported back to Council at the Council meeting on 9th February, where the Local Heritage Survey and Heritage List were adopted.

Want to know more about the history of Kwinana?

A draft Local Heritage Survey, previously known as a Municipal Heritage Inventory, has been prepared to identify places with cultural heritage value in the City of Kwinana and provides base information for the City to make decisions regarding development of these places.

The City has also prepared a draft Heritage List which includes the most significant places from the Local Heritage Survey.

What does it mean for my property?

Inclusion of a place in the Local Heritage Survey is simply recognition of a place’s heritage importance and it does not provide a place with any heritage protection, unless it is also included in the City’s Heritage List or has been entered in the State Register of Heritage Places.

The City’s Heritage List is a list of places adopted under Local Planning Scheme No. 2, for which development approval will be required for any demolition, alterations or other development affecting the place.

Any questions?

If you have any queries about the Local Heritage Survey or Heritage List please ask us a question below or contact Senior Strategic Planner, Kirsty Edwards on planning@kwinana.wa.gov.au (External link) or 9439 0409.

Consultation has concluded