Local Planning Scheme Amendments

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All scheme amendments open for comment are listed below.

Occasionally, it is necessary to amend the City’s Local Planning Scheme. When a change is proposed to the Local Planning Scheme, it is referred to as a Scheme Amendment. A Scheme Amendment can be proposed by landowners, the City itself or State Government agencies.

Scheme Amendments occur for a variety of reasons including:

  • To implement the strategic vision of the Local Planning Strategy
  • To ensure orderly and proper planning.
  • A change in the Scheme’s wording to ensure more effective planning
  • A change in zoning
  • A change in the residential density coding

There are three types of Scheme Amendments; Basic, Standard and Complex as defined in the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. Basic Scheme Amendments do not require advertising and are therefore not open for comment, whereas Standard Scheme Amendments are advertised and open for comment for 42 days and Complex Scheme Amendments for 60 days.

All comments and submissions are taken into consideration by the City's Planning Officers, and issues raised through submissions are required to be addressed as part of the planning assessment of a proposed Scheme Amendment. City Planning Officers will prepare their assessment and report to Council with a recommendation on the applicable scheme amendment, taking into account issues raised from submissions, alongside all other relevant planning considerations. The Council will then forward its recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) and the Minister for their consideration of the Scheme Amendment.

By submitting your comments through this webpage, the City will be able to keep you informed of a Scheme Amendments progress as it moves through the amendment process.

Any comments with respect to Scheme Amendments should be submitted via one of the following ways:

  • through the relevant online feedback form (below)
  • by email to Planning.Team@kwinana.wa.gov.au
  • by mail addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Kwinana, PO Box 21, Kwinana WA 6966

All scheme amendments open for comment are listed below.

Occasionally, it is necessary to amend the City’s Local Planning Scheme. When a change is proposed to the Local Planning Scheme, it is referred to as a Scheme Amendment. A Scheme Amendment can be proposed by landowners, the City itself or State Government agencies.

Scheme Amendments occur for a variety of reasons including:

  • To implement the strategic vision of the Local Planning Strategy
  • To ensure orderly and proper planning.
  • A change in the Scheme’s wording to ensure more effective planning
  • A change in zoning
  • A change in the residential density coding

There are three types of Scheme Amendments; Basic, Standard and Complex as defined in the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. Basic Scheme Amendments do not require advertising and are therefore not open for comment, whereas Standard Scheme Amendments are advertised and open for comment for 42 days and Complex Scheme Amendments for 60 days.

All comments and submissions are taken into consideration by the City's Planning Officers, and issues raised through submissions are required to be addressed as part of the planning assessment of a proposed Scheme Amendment. City Planning Officers will prepare their assessment and report to Council with a recommendation on the applicable scheme amendment, taking into account issues raised from submissions, alongside all other relevant planning considerations. The Council will then forward its recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) and the Minister for their consideration of the Scheme Amendment.

By submitting your comments through this webpage, the City will be able to keep you informed of a Scheme Amendments progress as it moves through the amendment process.

Any comments with respect to Scheme Amendments should be submitted via one of the following ways:

  • through the relevant online feedback form (below)
  • by email to Planning.Team@kwinana.wa.gov.au
  • by mail addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Kwinana, PO Box 21, Kwinana WA 6966
  • Complete Form
    Share Submission Form - Local Planning Scheme No. 3: Scheme Amendment 6: Amending Table 1 Zoning and Use Classes to change ‘Drive-In Takeaway Food Shop’ and ‘Licensed Restaurant’ land use from ‘X’ to ‘AA’ within ‘General Town Centre Zone’ on Facebook Share Submission Form - Local Planning Scheme No. 3: Scheme Amendment 6: Amending Table 1 Zoning and Use Classes to change ‘Drive-In Takeaway Food Shop’ and ‘Licensed Restaurant’ land use from ‘X’ to ‘AA’ within ‘General Town Centre Zone’ on Twitter Share Submission Form - Local Planning Scheme No. 3: Scheme Amendment 6: Amending Table 1 Zoning and Use Classes to change ‘Drive-In Takeaway Food Shop’ and ‘Licensed Restaurant’ land use from ‘X’ to ‘AA’ within ‘General Town Centre Zone’ on Linkedin Email Submission Form - Local Planning Scheme No. 3: Scheme Amendment 6: Amending Table 1 Zoning and Use Classes to change ‘Drive-In Takeaway Food Shop’ and ‘Licensed Restaurant’ land use from ‘X’ to ‘AA’ within ‘General Town Centre Zone’ link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    Scheme Amendment No. 162 proposes to rezone a portion of Lots 1, 7 - 11 & 88 Lyon Road, Wandi from the Special Rural zone (SR13) to the Residential zone, extend the Development Contribution Area No.5 to correspond with the proposed Residential zone boundary and introduce specific development and land use provisions over the amendment area. 

    At its meeting on 14 April 2021, Council resolved to initiate Amendment No. 162 to the City of Kwinana Local Planning Scheme No. 2. Following this meeting, the amendment was forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) who have now provided consent for the amendment to be publicly advertised. 

    In summary, the amendment proposes to:   

    • Rezone a portion of Lots 1, 7 – 11 and 88 Lyon Road, Wandi from the Special Rural (SR13) zone to the Residential zone with a Residential Design Code of R5, R10 and R12.5, and amend the Scheme Map accordingly. 
    • Extend the Development Contribution Area no. 5 boundary to correspond with the proposed Residential zone boundary over portions of Lots 1, 7 – 11 and 88 Lyon Rd, and amend the Scheme Map accordingly.
    • Introduce specific development provisions relating to the amendment area into Schedule VII — Additional Uses.

    The application is now being publicly advertised for 60 days until 1 July 2022. Following the advertising period, all submissions will be considered and the amendment submitted to forwarded to the WAPC for determination.  

    Refer to the draft amended Scheme Amendment Summary and Amendment Report as attached for further information. If you wish to provide comment in relation to this Amendment, please follow the 'Complete Form' link below. 

    Should you have any further queries, please contact the City's Planning Department on 9439 0200. 

    Share CLOSED - Scheme Amendment 162 - Lots 1, 7 - 11 and 88 Lyon Road, Wandi on Facebook Share CLOSED - Scheme Amendment 162 - Lots 1, 7 - 11 and 88 Lyon Road, Wandi on Twitter Share CLOSED - Scheme Amendment 162 - Lots 1, 7 - 11 and 88 Lyon Road, Wandi on Linkedin Email CLOSED - Scheme Amendment 162 - Lots 1, 7 - 11 and 88 Lyon Road, Wandi link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    Scheme Amendment 163 - Removal of 2% DCP Administration fee relates to the City modifying the Scheme to respond to State Planning Policy 3.6 – Infrastructure Contributions (SPP 3.6). The Scheme currently requires a 2% cost contribution for the purposes of Administration costs associated with administering development contribution plans. SPP 3.6 requires an appropriated calculation method in lieu of a flat percentage fee. The City is amending the Scheme and its DCP’s to be in accordance with the State Planning Policy’s requirements.

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Page last updated: 04 Jan 2024, 02:26 PM