- Cognitive play
- Accessibility
- Creative play
- Imaginative play
What are the differences between Rubber Softfall and Sand Softfall?
Rubber softfall offers better accessibility to the park, whereas sand softfall provides greater play value.
What are the reasons for scheduling?
We plan to install the rubber softfall playgrounds during the warmer months, as rain can delay the softfall's setting. Additionally, the timeline will depend on equipment availability; playgrounds featuring rope play equipment will take a couple of weeks longer to install.
What are the various play elements?
When evaluating playground submissions, we seek the greatest play value for the investment. For these playground renewals, we have requested designs that include as many of the following play elements as possible:
Could we consider incorporating basketball courts?
We need to consider the noise restrictions and surrounding residents before installing any basketball courts
Could we consider incorporating Nature Play equipment?
Nature play equipment, such as wooden structures, require significantly more maintenance including oiling, chipping and pest management. The City is trying to reduce the natural timber due to the ongoing upkeep costs.