Playgrounds & Parks

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Playground Renewal Program (2024-2025)

Every year the City identifies playground equipment approaching the end of its life and replaces it with similar equipment based on current trends, best practice, accessibility and local enjoyment.

The City has identified the below playgrounds require renewal this year, and this is your opportunity to get involved in the exciting process!

  • Centennial Park, Bertram
  • Djilba Park, Leda
  • Skottowe Park, Parmelia
  • Moombaki Park, Bertram

How can I be involved?

Our playground designers have created two concept plans for each playground, offering a range of play experiences which you can view here.

On this page we invite you to:

  • Have a look at the concept plans
  • View the images to see what the play space currently looks like
  • Cast your vote on your what you would like see installed
  • Provide feedback on any features you would like to see on future playgrounds

What’s next?

Following your feedback, we’ll inform the playground designers of the preferred design from the Communities feedback. Works will commence in February 2025 with anticipated completion in June 2025.

Feel free to visit this page at any time you like as we’ll keep it up to date with all the latest information.

How to participate

Online: Scroll down and choose your preferred design

Visit us in person: Come and join us

  • Wednesday 9th October- Djilba 4-530pm
  • Thursday 10th October- Skottowe 4-5.30pm
  • Saturday 12th October - Moombaki 10am- 12noon
  • Saturday 12th October- Centennial 1-3pm

Please call us if you have Questions or queries? 9439 0200


What happens to the old playground equipment?

We keep any components that are in good condition to be used as spare parts for other playgrounds. Any components that are no longer fit for use are recycled.

How does a playground renewal differ from an upgrade?

A playground upgrade may consider increasing the size of the existing playground, adding additional areas or increasing the scope. A playground renewal, as we are doing here, is replacing the existing equipment with something similar.

Playground Renewal Program (2024-2025)

Every year the City identifies playground equipment approaching the end of its life and replaces it with similar equipment based on current trends, best practice, accessibility and local enjoyment.

The City has identified the below playgrounds require renewal this year, and this is your opportunity to get involved in the exciting process!

  • Centennial Park, Bertram
  • Djilba Park, Leda
  • Skottowe Park, Parmelia
  • Moombaki Park, Bertram

How can I be involved?

Our playground designers have created two concept plans for each playground, offering a range of play experiences which you can view here.

On this page we invite you to:

  • Have a look at the concept plans
  • View the images to see what the play space currently looks like
  • Cast your vote on your what you would like see installed
  • Provide feedback on any features you would like to see on future playgrounds

What’s next?

Following your feedback, we’ll inform the playground designers of the preferred design from the Communities feedback. Works will commence in February 2025 with anticipated completion in June 2025.

Feel free to visit this page at any time you like as we’ll keep it up to date with all the latest information.

How to participate

Online: Scroll down and choose your preferred design

Visit us in person: Come and join us

  • Wednesday 9th October- Djilba 4-530pm
  • Thursday 10th October- Skottowe 4-5.30pm
  • Saturday 12th October - Moombaki 10am- 12noon
  • Saturday 12th October- Centennial 1-3pm

Please call us if you have Questions or queries? 9439 0200


What happens to the old playground equipment?

We keep any components that are in good condition to be used as spare parts for other playgrounds. Any components that are no longer fit for use are recycled.

How does a playground renewal differ from an upgrade?

A playground upgrade may consider increasing the size of the existing playground, adding additional areas or increasing the scope. A playground renewal, as we are doing here, is replacing the existing equipment with something similar.

  • Moombaki Park, Bertram

    Share Moombaki Park, Bertram on Facebook Share Moombaki Park, Bertram on Twitter Share Moombaki Park, Bertram on Linkedin Email Moombaki Park, Bertram link

    How to participate

    Online: Scroll down and discover the two designs to choose from

    Visit us in person: The

    Please call us if you have Questions or queries? 9000 000

  • Skottowe Park, Parmelia

    Share Skottowe Park, Parmelia on Facebook Share Skottowe Park, Parmelia on Twitter Share Skottowe Park, Parmelia on Linkedin Email Skottowe Park, Parmelia link

  • Djilba Park, Leda

    Share Djilba Park, Leda on Facebook Share Djilba Park, Leda on Twitter Share Djilba Park, Leda on Linkedin Email Djilba Park, Leda link

  • Centennial Park, Bertram

    Share Centennial Park, Bertram on Facebook Share Centennial Park, Bertram on Twitter Share Centennial Park, Bertram on Linkedin Email Centennial Park, Bertram link

  • Homestead Park- Completed 2024

    Share Homestead Park- Completed 2024 on Facebook Share Homestead Park- Completed 2024 on Twitter Share Homestead Park- Completed 2024 on Linkedin Email Homestead Park- Completed 2024 link

Page last updated: 16 Sep 2024, 10:53 AM