Advertised Differential Rates for 2023/2024

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Consultation has concluded

Submission period now complete - this page will be archived by December 2023.

Please provide your feedback on the proposed Rate in the Dollar (RiD) and Minimum Payment for each Rating Category within the proposed budget for 2023/2024.

To generate the revenue needed to deliver the City’s activities, the cost is spread over all property owners (ratepayers) within the City of Kwinana. Rate revenue accounts for approximately 70% of the total revenue.

Rates are calculated by multiplying a property's valuation by the Council adopted RiD. How much your rates are depends on what Rating Category your property falls under and what value the Valuer General (Landgate) has placed on your property.

A RiD and minimum payment amount will be adopted in the 2023/2024 annual budget for each of the following Rating Categories:

  1. Improved Residential (including Improved Special Residential) (GRV)
  2. Vacant (including Vacant Non-residential) (GRV)
  3. Improved Commercial and Industrial (GRV)
  4. General Industry (UV)
  5. Rural (UV)
  6. Mining and Industrial (UV)

The rates are proposed to increase by an average of 3.95%, even though this is less than the Consumer Price Index figures of 7.8% for the December 2022 quarter and also less than the Local Government Cost Index which is forecast to be 4.5% for June 2023. Information on how each category is defined and determined can be found in the Statement of Objects and Reasons - 2023/2024.

The Valuer General (Landgate) provides all values for local governments in Western Australia. The most common type of valuation is called the Gross Rental Valuation (GRV) and is basically a fair rental annual amount. The other type of valuation is called the Unimproved Valuation (UV). The triennial valuation for GRV properties was received from Landgate dated, 1 August 2021, which may impact the rates on your property. Refer to the video on 'How is rates calculated' to give you further explanation.

The ratepayer should respond constructively to a request for submissions. In particular, the ratepayer should form a view as to whether the matters set out under the key values have been correctly addressed. Those key values are:

  1. Objectivity
  2. Fairness and Equity
  3. Consistency
  4. Transparency and Administrative Efficiency

These key values are explained in detail in the Rating Policy Differential Rates provided by the Department of Local Government, Sports and Cultural Industries.

The submissions received by the City will be considered by Council at the Special Council Meeting on 26 May 2023. This page will be updated with the results of the Council Meeting.

If you would like more information or to talk to a City Officer, please contact the City via the details on the Who's Listening section of this page.

The proposed Differential Rates and Minimum Payments for 2023/2024 are as follows:

Rating Category Description2022/2023 RiD2022/2023 MinimumProposed 2023/2024 RiDProposed 2023/2024 MinimumVariance
Improved Residential (including Improved Special Residential)0.102471,1260.089471,1704.16%
Improved Commercial and Industrial0.102221,4660.185861,5243.95%
Vacant (including Vacant Non-residential)0.183921,1260.102121,1706.71%
General Industrial0.019121,4660.019431,5243.97%
Mining and Industrial0.009201,4660.009001,5243.90%

Submission period now complete - this page will be archived by December 2023.

Please provide your feedback on the proposed Rate in the Dollar (RiD) and Minimum Payment for each Rating Category within the proposed budget for 2023/2024.

To generate the revenue needed to deliver the City’s activities, the cost is spread over all property owners (ratepayers) within the City of Kwinana. Rate revenue accounts for approximately 70% of the total revenue.

Rates are calculated by multiplying a property's valuation by the Council adopted RiD. How much your rates are depends on what Rating Category your property falls under and what value the Valuer General (Landgate) has placed on your property.

A RiD and minimum payment amount will be adopted in the 2023/2024 annual budget for each of the following Rating Categories:

  1. Improved Residential (including Improved Special Residential) (GRV)
  2. Vacant (including Vacant Non-residential) (GRV)
  3. Improved Commercial and Industrial (GRV)
  4. General Industry (UV)
  5. Rural (UV)
  6. Mining and Industrial (UV)

The rates are proposed to increase by an average of 3.95%, even though this is less than the Consumer Price Index figures of 7.8% for the December 2022 quarter and also less than the Local Government Cost Index which is forecast to be 4.5% for June 2023. Information on how each category is defined and determined can be found in the Statement of Objects and Reasons - 2023/2024.

The Valuer General (Landgate) provides all values for local governments in Western Australia. The most common type of valuation is called the Gross Rental Valuation (GRV) and is basically a fair rental annual amount. The other type of valuation is called the Unimproved Valuation (UV). The triennial valuation for GRV properties was received from Landgate dated, 1 August 2021, which may impact the rates on your property. Refer to the video on 'How is rates calculated' to give you further explanation.

The ratepayer should respond constructively to a request for submissions. In particular, the ratepayer should form a view as to whether the matters set out under the key values have been correctly addressed. Those key values are:

  1. Objectivity
  2. Fairness and Equity
  3. Consistency
  4. Transparency and Administrative Efficiency

These key values are explained in detail in the Rating Policy Differential Rates provided by the Department of Local Government, Sports and Cultural Industries.

The submissions received by the City will be considered by Council at the Special Council Meeting on 26 May 2023. This page will be updated with the results of the Council Meeting.

If you would like more information or to talk to a City Officer, please contact the City via the details on the Who's Listening section of this page.

The proposed Differential Rates and Minimum Payments for 2023/2024 are as follows:

Rating Category Description2022/2023 RiD2022/2023 MinimumProposed 2023/2024 RiDProposed 2023/2024 MinimumVariance
Improved Residential (including Improved Special Residential)0.102471,1260.089471,1704.16%
Improved Commercial and Industrial0.102221,4660.185861,5243.95%
Vacant (including Vacant Non-residential)0.183921,1260.102121,1706.71%
General Industrial0.019121,4660.019431,5243.97%
Mining and Industrial0.009201,4660.009001,5243.90%
Consultation has concluded
  • Outcome of Ordinary Council Meeting 28 June 2023

    Share Outcome of Ordinary Council Meeting 28 June 2023 on Facebook Share Outcome of Ordinary Council Meeting 28 June 2023 on Twitter Share Outcome of Ordinary Council Meeting 28 June 2023 on Linkedin Email Outcome of Ordinary Council Meeting 28 June 2023 link

    The City of Kwinana Council formally adopted its 2023/2024 Budget at its Ordinary Council Meeting of Council, held on 28 June 2023, approving a 4.2%, or $1.22 per week increase for an average residential property.

    The budget focuses on meeting the community's vision for Kwinana and its expectations for quality service, while managing the complex needs and challenges associated with the City's expansive and fast-paced growth.

    The City again endeavored to take a conservative approach to its budget preparations for the 2023/2024 financial year.

    The full budget report can be found here with the adopted budget 2023/2024 here.

  • Outcome from Special Council Meeting

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    Advertising of the proposed differential rates for 2023/2024 took place within The West Australian newspaper and was programmed for 1 May 2023 and the Sound Telegraph newspaper on 3 May 2023, with a copy of the public notice also available on the City’s website. The City also used social media and the engagement platform Love My Kwinana to inform the community of the Council’s intention to levy differential rates. Ratepayers within the General Industry rate category were also written to separately regarding the proposed differential rates for their properties. The notice called for submissions to the proposal, with a closing date of 23 May 2023

    Copies of the public notice and Statement of Objects and Reasons were made available for public inspection at the City’s Administration Building, Darius Wells Library and Knowledge Centre and on the City’s website. Landowners within the General Industry (UV) rate category were also written to regarding the proposed differential rate for their properties. At the expiration of the statutory advertising period, six submissions had been received.

    All submissions were received via the Love My Kwinana engagement platform. The platform recorded 211 page visits, with 34 opening information contained on the page. Six of the visitors decided to make a comment on the proposed rates.


    Rating Category



    Improved Residential


    Improved Commercial and Industrial





    General Industrial


    Mining and Industrial




    Total submissions


    In summary, items raised by ratepayers as concerning them were:

    · the proposed increases are more than CPI and will add financial pressures to households when they are already facing an increased cost of living;

    · lack of services provided by Council;

    After Council advertised its intentions to levy differential rates, local governments became aware of Western Power’s intentions to increase street-lighting tariffs by 44%, subject to endorsement by the Economic Regulatory Authority (ERA). This increase was later revised to 7.5% with the ERA’s endorsement. This 7.5% increase for the City of Kwinana amounts to an additional $105,000 cost within the City’s budget. As the media reported accurately, to account for this additional cost, Council must either consider reducing services or increase rates. Due to the City already running services very efficiently, in response to general budget pressures and the impact of Covid over the last three years, there is no further opportunity to accommodate cost shifts through savings, and an increase over the advertised proposed rate is required to cover the additional streetlight charges. An additional $105,000 equates to an additional 0.25% on the 3.95% increase advertised, therefore the Tables 4 and 5 below shows the applicable differential rates based on a 4.2% increase.

    Adjusted Proposed Differential Rate in the Dollar and Minimum Payments for GRV Rating Categories

    GRV 2023/2024 Rate Categories

    2023/2024 Minimum Payment ($)


    Rate in Dollar


    Average Variation from 2022/2023

    Improved Residential




    Improved Commercial & Industrial








    Adjusted Proposed Differential Rate in the Dollar and Minimum Payments for UV Rating Categories

    UV Rate Categories

    2023/2024 Minimum Payment ($)


    Rate in Dollar ($)

    Average Variation from 2022/2023

    General Industry








    Mining & Industrial




    The City has responded to all of those who made a submission separately.

    Full details of Council’s deliberations can be found within the 26 May 2023 Special Council Meeting on the City’s website: