Why should I get register and get involved?
By registering on Love my Kwinana you will be able to participate in the online discussions and make full use of the interactive features of this site.
Identifying information such as names and addresses are not shared.
It also means we can update you on the outcome of projects you have contributed to, and how you have helped the City make decisions. This is important to us.
You can unsubscribe from email updates at any time.
How will my registration benefit me?
Love My Kwinana is the City of Kwinana's online community hub where you can help shape Council decisions by sharing what you know, and having your say on the City's important issues and future plans.
This is your opportunity to join the conversation, follow projects and receive updates on their progress, and find out how your feedback has helped to shape project outcomes.
Help shape the future of Kwinana. Register now to join our online community and take part in upcoming consultations.
Why is the City engaging online?
We've established this online community engagement website for you to contribute your views and opinions about key issues.
It’s easy – you can give us your feedback online, in our forums, surveys and quick polls
Who should I contact if I have any particular requirements to enable me to participate in City of Kwinana engagements?
We are committed to providing opportunities for people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to participate in our engagement opportunities and decision-making.
If you require information in alternative formats or have any particular requirements to participate in engagement events, please let us know by emailing lovemykwinana@kwinana.wa.gov.au
How can I have my say online?
If this is your first visit to Love my Kwinana then simply click on the register button. Create a username and password and provide a valid email address. You will receive an email with a link to click on to verify yourself.
If you have previously participated, click on the login button and enter your username and password. If you haven't visited for a while and can't remember your password, simply click on 'forgot password' to reset.
What happens to my contribution?
All comments, ideas and feedback are collated and used to inform Council decision making processes for the development of strategies, planning policies and proposals, programs and activities.
The feedback we receive online is used in conjunction with feedback we receive from other methods such as events, workshops, drop-in information sessions or submissions.
This is usually compiled into an engagement report which is made available on Love my Kwinana and also presented to Council. Identifying information such as names and addresses are not included.
How are online discussions moderated?
Love my Kwinana provides opportunities for anyone who would like to discuss projects the City of Kwinana is engaging on, ask questions and share opinions.
If you post something that is unrelated to the topic then it may be removed in order to keep the thread on track, so keep it relevant.
Anything offensive or malicious - as outlined in the Moderation Policy - will be removed.